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Privacy Policy for Compassionate Schools Hub Website

What information do we collect from you?

In addition to using cookies on our website, we may collect the following information. We will always ask before we collect such information:

  • Name, job title and setting
  • Contact information, including work email address
  • Training attendance

How is your information collected?

We collect information from you when you sign-up to the website, when you complete an Lancashire Emotional Health in Schools and Colleges (LEHSS) Training Course or if you use the Key People feature within your setting's private account. The contact details of the person who is linked to your setting's private account will be stored in your setting's Key People list within your setting's private account. Your information will be collected voluntarily and will be used to contact you based on updates to the information you have supplied. Your setting can also choose to provide the contact details of colleagues within the setting, and those who work for external organisations, that support the implentation of a whole setting approach to emotional health and wellbeing. If settings choose to use this feature, then they are consenting for contact details of these staff to be added to the LEHSS mailing list.

How do we use your information?

This information helps us to understand your needs and provide you with a better service and for the following reasons:

  • Internal record keeping
  • To improve our products and services
  • Send you automatic emails confirming your submissions and progress
  • For advertising purposes if your details are inputted into the Key People contact list
  • To populate your setting's Key People and Training Dashboard and keep this up to date

How do we use cookies?

CookieNamePurposeMore Information
Cognito|Cognito|Cookie will be stored when you sign in that will allow you to sign in automatically while it is still valid for 1 hour.Need to alert user to analytics data collection using AWS point.

Do we transfer your data to third parties' countries?


How do we keep your information secure?

The university has robust Information Security policies in place to protect your information. Only staff from the Lancashire Emotional Health in Schools and Colleges Service (LEHSS) and full-time IT Partnering and Innovation (ITPI) staff will have access.

How long do we keep your information?

We will keep your data until your account is deleted. We do not keep data on a setting's training record (e.g. the contact details of attendees, date of attendance; title of training course) longer than is necessary and follow the LEHSS' retention schedule of 5 years.

What are your rights?

You have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  • To have access to your personal data
  • To have inaccurate or incomplete personal data amended
  • To have your personal data deleted
  • To restrict the use of your personal data
  • To request personal information in a digital form so that you can provide to other organisations
  • To object to automated decision making and profiling
  • To withdraw consent when we have used consent as the basis for using your information.

The University has further information on data subject rights. Any requests to use your rights over your personal data should be made to the University’s designated Data Protection Officer.

What are your responsibilities?

You are required to read this Privacy Notice when you sign up and give consent. It is important that you do this, so you understand how we use your personal information and your rights. Please assist in keeping your setting's record up to date. For example, by altering any changed personal details such as a change in your email address, as well as any changed contact details for the staff listed within the Key People feature.

Who do I contact for further information or if I have concerns?

Lancaster University's designated Data Protection Officer is: Mike Abbotts, Information Governance Manager Email: Contact Mike if you have any concerns or complaints about this Notice or about the way your personal data is being used. Lancaster University is the Data Controller for the personal data that it holds about you. The University's contact details are: Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster, LA1 4YW, United Kingdom. If you are not happy with the way the university has handled your concern or complaint, then you may submit a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office.

Changes to this notice?

This Notice has been developed to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). This Notice is regularly reviewed and sometimes updated. It is important that you check for updates to this Notice. Updates can be made at any time and the most up to date version will be found on the [Embed CSH live link]. If we make significant changes, we will contact you to inform you of this.

Compassionate Schools Hub

A community-driven platform aimed at promoting compassionate whole setting approaches to emotional health and mental wellbeing in schools and colleges within Lancashire.

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